## Object Map for definition of vsphere
variable "vsphere_connection" {
description = "vSphere Connection Information"
type = object({
server = string
user = string
password = string
cluster = string
datacenter = string
host = string
self_signed = string
## Object map for template
variable "vm_template" {
description = "vm template details"
type = object({
name = string
datastore = string
## Object map for vm_guest
variable "vm_guest_config" {
description = "VMGuest Configuration"
type = object({
name_prefix = string
guest_id = string
cpu_sockets = number
cpu_cores = number
memory = number
network = string
datastore = string
disk_size = number
domain = string
tz = string
password = string
ipv4_address = string
ipv4_netmask = string
ipv4_gateway = string
dns_server_list = list(string)
# TODO: gotta clean the nodes up - how to count, for_each?
variable "master_nodes" {
type = map(string)
description = "List of master node names and ipv4 addresses for K8s masters"
variable "worker_nodes" {
type = map(string)
description = "List of worker node names and ipv4 addresses for K8s workers"